10 October 2021


After a long period of uncertainty … it is again possible to resume organizing moments of leisure dedicated to our passion and in particular to the timeless English engines.
For 10 October ’21, our Club is asked to select 25 cars to be exhibited in Botticino in the province of Brescia.
In the country of the quarries and processing of one of the most prestigious marbles in the world, “the Botticino marble”, we will place our old Glories on display to be admired by the Brescia public. The participating collectors will find themselves from 9 to 9.30 at the Monastery of Sant’Eufemia della Fonte, now home to the prestigious 1000 Miglia Museum.
A coffee together and then immediately behind the wheel, escorted by our relay motorcycles and by the Local Police, for a festive parade between Botticino Sera and Botticino Mattina.
The Mayor will also be waiting for us near Villa Cazzago for a brief greeting to the crews. We will continue towards Villa Labus where, once the cars have been positioned, we will be able to enjoy a first welcome in the Villa; the crews will be offered breakfast under the characteristic portico. At the end of the appetizing break, the participants will be divided into groups for a guided tour of the adjacent Marble Museum. After a leap into the timeless world of stonemasons and sculpture, up to the most modern marble workers, we will be able to taste the dishes prepared by the chef, served for us in the enchanting garden set up for the occasion.
At 4 pm, after spending some time together and thanking the Pro Loco of Botticino for the exquisite hospitality, we can start heading home.
During the day we will take advantage of the parish priest’s kindness to bless all the cars.

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