The Blue Room

the exhibition venue of Cristiano Luzzago

A large collection of classic cars

A large room painted blue, echoing the colors of the CL brand. It took the first visitors a moment to call Cristiano’s new salon “The Blue Room.”

An unusual, striking color that emphasizes the charm of the cars on display. Vintage pieces from Italy, England, Germany and beyond, which Cristiano has researched with taste and care, to offer them to the most discerning collector.

In this cozy and private place it is possible – by appointment only – to view the extensive collection, which is always new due to frequent new arrivals. And then, over coffee, exchange views on the wonderful world of historic motoring with Cristiano, who has been living it daily for over 40 years and is, even before he is a dealer, a passionate collector.


Via Don Bergomi 6
25030 Castel Mella (BS)

Visits by appointment only

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The most prestigious classic car brands