ARACI – Associazione Rotariana Automobili Classiche Italia
invites all Rotarian friends to participate in the VIII ROTARY RUOTE & GOLF
Cristiano Luzzago supports the VIII edition of the charity event organized by the Rotary Club Brescia Franciacorta Oglio
The VIII edition of the event “ROTARY RUOTE E GOLF” will take place on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October 2011,
organized by the Rotary Club Brescia Franciacorta Oglio, under the aegis of the national fellowship, with the aim of raising funds to be allocated to the
Breast Unit, a unit of oncohematology for breast pathology at the Cremona hospital
The event is organized within the Rotarian context but the invitation is extended to all friends who are passionate about classic cars. We look forward to seeing you!
To participate and for more information you can contact me at no. 328-2454909 or at
Absolutely not to be missed is the now usual and crowded event that unites golf enthusiasts and lovers of classic cars in the fantastic setting of the Franciacorta lands.
The 9-hole golf competition will be held on the Franciacorta Golf Club course and the car rally on the roads of the province of Brescia for a total of about 150 km to be covered at an average speed of 30 km / h with 26 regularity tests.
A maximum of 80 cars built up to 31.12.1987 will be admitted to the event.
The 9-hole golf competition will be held at the Franciacorta Golf Club, in which 80 competitors can participate. To follow, a convivial Rotarian of the Rotary Club Franciacorta Oglio.
The final rankings will be drawn up based on three sections:
Golf Competition
Automotive regularity competition
Combined Golf – Automobile regularity competition.
The crews without a golfer will be paired by drawing lots by the organization with a golfer who will participate in the combined competition.
It will instead be entirely dedicated to motoring, with a series of tests on vintage cars.
The success of the combination of Golf and regularity in Vintage Cars has been confirmed in past years.
A combination of an elegant sport and prestigious collector’s cars that attracts the interest of gentleman drivers who every year they arrive in large numbers.